As some of you are aware, the exterior concept of Angelic Guardians is based on a combination of the books of Daniel and Revelation as well as the New World Order/Illuminati theory. Translation: a political view of the end of the world with a religious twist. This creeps up in the sixth and final book of the Angelic Guardians arc where Nikusa and the Demonic Guardians of the Seven Deadly Sins make their formal appearance while Myoujou's mortal counterpart Lucifer is chosen to become the leader of the New World Order and issues two major neo-Holocausts to eliminate the "impurities" of the world (first the followers of the kurisuchan faith, then those who still refuse to take the number regardless of any faith). The mass execution is what I've translated out of Matthew 24:9 ("Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me") and Revelation 13:15-17 ("[The beast out of the earth] was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it oculd speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name").
(Warning: Angelic Guardians: The Revelations is gonna be gruelsome and offensive when you get to the second part. This will not be suited for immature audiences.)
Now, there are very few things I believe in concerning escatology, mainly the fact that the Christ will return. However, after tonight's Q&A session, I've come terms that I am a post-tribulationist. What does that mean? I believe that we will go through the seven-year tribulation period together without experiencing the rapture, that we will face the thousand years of peace, and that we will see the return of Christ all at once after all of that has passed.
This is why I have personally omitted the rapture and the multiple resurrections of the dead from Revelation out of my belief system and the Angelic Guardians series (Revelation 7, 20:1-6, and 20:11-15, for those who wish to follow where I'm heading with this). Why raise the dead and judge them again if they've already been accepted into Heaven or perished in the Lake of Fire? The idea comes across to me a very vague way. It's like God is planning to kick you out of your mansion or give you false hope for redemption just because there's a new Earth and Heaven on the way, and it's expected of you go through the process of elimination again, only this time you're perished forever if you have to be thrown into the Lake of Fire one last time. It doesn't make sense. When you've been accepted into Heaven or Hell, you're accepted for eternity. There's no point of resurrecting the dead when you know their fate has already been sealed. It's moot.
(And if you think it's God's way of giving the damned a second chance to redeem themselves, let me ask you this: why should he if he didn't the first time? You fool God once, he won't let you fool him again.)
I would have brought up my views to the table had I not attended a church where the congregation will hold you over the fire by your feet if you say something wrong about the government. I really wanted to ask the preacher if the New World Order/Illuminati had any relation to the rise of the beast out of the earth since I believe a worldwide government would be the only way a neo-Holocaust could ever happen. How else would you get every nation to hand over the Christians to their doom if pro-Christian governments around the world refuse to do so as long as their leaders remain in office? Logically, you can't unless you've conquered the country and removed the figurehead of the government. I'm under the impression that the antichrist, or even a shadow of the antichrist, will be in the guise of the chosen leader of the New World Order.
And you wonder why I've stopped supporting the governments? Because I don't trust the politicians and the figureheads of any country. The only reason why I still pay my taxes is because I have to if I want to stay out of prison. Financial philanthropy within the community is one thing (if it means making my hometown a bigger and better community, then I'll give back), but giving money to the government against my freedom is another.
(But then again, I do like that hefty tax return check...)
Another thing that bothered me a lot tonight was this chart that was given to me concerning Heaven and Hell. Like all other Christians, I used to think of Hell as fire and brimstone. Then I read The Inferno by Dante and Paradise Lost by John Milton in my senior year of high school. Now I know such literary works should not be taken seriously because nine times out of ten, they are full of false views, but sometimes, I just can't help but wonder if there was some kind of truth behind them.
This chart ignored a lot of things that I believe are in Hell. Mind you, I don't believe in the nine rings of Purgatory, nor do I believe in the nine rings of Heaven, but I have accepted the nine rings of Hell, the city of Pandemonium, Lake Cocytus, and even the river Styx in Greek mythology, all of which are believed to be fictional places due to mainstream religion. The only thing about Hell that I agree within the Bible is the Lake of Fire, but I have a different view of it unlike how Revelation 20:7-10 describes it. I see it as more of the entrance to your eternal prison (the nine rings of Hell) with the Infernal Judge of Damnation (Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, etc.) sitting on his icy throne in Lake Cocytus in the ninth ring with your assigned cell waiting for you somewhere in the rings according to the greatest or average sin you've committed in your life.
To me:
- The nine rings serve like a federal prison camp starting with the least sin all the way down to the deadliest of them all (ninth ring/Lake Cocytus: traitors).
- Pandemonium is like the infernal counterpart to the streets of Heaven where the demons and fallen angels reside as a reward from Lucifer for their allegiance in the first Holy War.
- The Styx is both the realm known as limbo (which doesn't exist in Protestantism, but there are a few things the Bible fails to mention regarding to the fate of those who were faithful to God prior to Jesus' earthly birth (i.e.: King Deibiddo (King David) will make an appearance in Angelic Guardians: The Return as a soul swimming aimlessly in the Styx because he had died centuries before Jesus' time, although his adultery might have also cost him his ticket to Heaven) as well as the infernal opposite of the River of Life (Revelation 22:1-6).
Do I have a twisted view of escatology? Definitely. Do I have a twisted view of Hell? Without a doubt. Do I expect the church to support my series because of what I believe? Not at all. I won't be surprised to see my books on the list of banned books in the Catholic church either, even though I'm practically giving the same message as the other churches but in favor of the, dare I say it, Christian sinners. And I won't be surprised to see Protestant preachers, including my own, rally against my work to preserve the old-school views either.
I will eventually post the second part of this entry... probably when my preacher gives a sermon against Christian sinners and/or the coexist movement. But that's an entirely different rant.