Yesterday was the official date both the original and English versions of Angelic Guardians: The Gathering were filed under "COMPLETE" on my flash drive. That's right. They're finished.
And I have to say that I was very pleased with how the plot turned out in the end. I knew before I thought about submitting The Gathering to an agent or publishing company, I had some rough spots to smooth out. Delete a few scenes, make the words flow, and touch up on some areas, and BOOM! I could not have asked for a better storyline.
Well, I could have, but that'll come later.
It felt good saving the final chapter of the English adaption one last time and putting the laptop away with a completed piece of work I began in my college years, knowing that I'm now ready to ask for an agent's helping hand toward publishing. It was like having a great weight being taken off my shoulders. Sure, I will admit that it does feel weird not sitting down in between jobs and spend my afternoons thinking about how can I make this book better, but I believe it's time to move forward and focus on the future.
Will The Gathering need more polishing? I'm sure, but definitely not as much as before. Thankfully, my parents are willing to support me financially and help me pay any editor that wants to take on this project. Aside from that, I'm ready to hand it over to someone who can get it on the shelves.
Thank you to everyone who followed me over the years. Next week starts another big project: writing a good query letter as part of my search for an agent. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
And as a reward for your faithfulness, the series' illustrator Erin Gentry sent me a pic of the lineart version for one of the covers. Enjoy!
Kinda reminds you of Sailor Moon, doesn't it? Mission accomplished.